Dart Basic

Dart Basic

This video for dart beginners!

1 → Main method

The main() function is a top-level function in Dart that initiates the execution of the program. It is the Dart programming language’s most important and crucial feature. In a program, the main() function can only be used once.

void main(){
    // your code here

1.1 picture is shows syntax for the main function. you can start write your code in the your code aria.

Hello world with dart?

void main(){
    print("Hello world")

1.2 picture is shows how to write Hello world! with dart you can use print function for it. it like to python but you need write semicolon after coding sentence.

2 → Variables

2.1 picture is shows part for the variables. you can make variable using that type.

example is → String myName = “manape”;

3 → Basic Data type

String → string is traditionally a sequence of characters, either as a literal constant or as some kind of variable

int → whole rounded number include for the int datatype

double → double declare floating point numbers(12.34, 23.34,56.76)


void main(){
    String name = "man ape"; // this is string data type
    int number = 10;         // this is int data type
    double dounum = 12.34;   // this is double data type

4 → String connection and interpolation

3.1 String connection

can make string connection using ‘ + ’ mark. it also link python string connections. we can use it with variable or with print function.



void main(){
    String name = "man " + "ape";
    print("Hello " + "World")


3.2 → String interpolation

String interpolation is the process of inserting variable values into placeholders in a string literal.

So easy to make String interpolation with dart language. we use ‘ $ ’ sign for it. it is so make easy way to our coding works.

How use it?

void main(){
    String name = "man ape"; // this is string data type
    int number = 20;         // this is int data type
    double dounum = 12.34;   // this is double data type

    print("My blog name is $name");
    print("My age is $number and my double number value is $dounum");

3.1 picture is shows how use string interpolation you can test your code your self it so easy i think you can understood it well. this method with can

If you went use string method with that you have to another interpolation for it

we can use ‘ ${} ’ interpolation for it.

example is:


void main(){
    String name = "man ape"; // this is string data type
    print("my blog name is ${name.toUppercase()}");


it so easy you can use different type string operators with it. you can see different strings methods with this link: api.dart.dev/stable/dart-core/String-class...

5 → String escaping

you can print special characters using back slash 3.1 picture have example for it.


void main() {
  print('i\'m manape');
  print("i'm manape");


6 → String operators

string operators so useful thing with string operator we can do different things. you will can understand it with down picture

void main() {
  double temp = 20;
  int value = 2;
  String pizza = 'pizza';
  String pastaa = 'pasta'.toUpperCase();

  print("The tempurage is ${temp}C");
  print("$value plus $value make ${value + value}");
  print('i like ${pizza.toUpperCase()} and $pastaa');

  // finding

  String sen = "i like drink a tea";

  // replace
  String pasta;
  String food = "chiken";
  pasta = sen.replaceAll("tea", "fresh milk");
  print("you also like ${food} and " + pasta);

7 → Arithmetic operators

8 → Ternary access operator

This is syntax of ternary access operator

This this example for it:


void main() {
  int x = 19;
  String type = x > 10 ? 'adult' : 'child';


~Thank you for redaing